Recovery ongoing.

Further to the story of my recovery I recently have been using supplements. I have no changed to Primal force Rejuvenol and primal force Telo-Essence. These are more balanced and have a wider scope for what the body needs. The results to date are good. But it does take time. PACE is still essential as circulation is how the smallest capillaries are fed. My PACE sessions are good. Peak Heart Rate hasn’t changed much. But My breathing is easier and recovery heart rate is smoother. I also have started walking about 5km. Time elapsed initially, was 50 min. But have reduced this to 44min, in just 3 weeks. If this is indicative for progress I am more than happy. Especially as I am now 86. If you my reader are serious about your wellness and for those of more senior years anti-aging I would recommend at least trying those supplements.

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